𝐹𝑜𝓇𝑔𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒𝓉?


"That looks great, Bruno!" I tell the awkward old man. He just finished outlining the 1st floor in sand. It's been a few days since Casita fell, and we're already re-building. They finished the foundation, and now we're onto building. Mrs. Ada told me that I'm now allowed to pick up and move things, so I'm helping with construction. Luckily I was able to borrow(steal) a pair of Camilo's pants and found one of my old shirts in the debris. I was able to rip off the sleeves and create a makeshift construction worker's outfit. I used the extra sleeves as a headband. I smile as I pick up another sand container and hand it to him. He thanks me and continues to outline the house. 

"Well, don't you look... strong," Isabela smiles from behind me. I turn around and flex my arms.

"I know I do. I'm going for an authentic construction worker. Pretty good right?" I ask. She laughs and nods. 

"You definitely look like a worker. Wait, are those Camilo's?" She points at my pants- er, his pants. I awkwardly laugh.

"What?! Nooo... No. I-no, never. I found these... in the trash," My high-pitched voice tells her. 

"The trash?" Isabela humors me. 

"Yep!" I laugh. She shakes her head. 

"Ok, Trash Queen. Camilo doesn't seem to notice, but then again, I don't think Camilo ever keeps track of his stuff," Isabella laughs. I smile with a slight blush on my face. Some guys begin to bring in large pieces of wood. I'm guessing it's for the walls. Mirabel goes up to them and directs them to the sand outlines. I was right. 

"Y/n! Can you pass them some hammers," Mirabel yells to me. I look around and grab the big basket to the left of me. The basket is slightly heavy, full of hammers and other tools. The guys come up to me and take a hammer each. I grab a hammer myself, then place the basket down. 

"So what are we doing boys?" I smile and approach the guys.


I walk onto Casita's construction site. My family took a break for lunch... I slept the whole time though. I lost a lot of sleep over the past few days. I'm anxious. I've been planning on asking out Y/n, but I can't seem to do it. Anytime I muster up the courage to say something, I'm interrupted by my family or a villager trying to talk to Y/n. I wish Y/n wasn't so popular sometimes. It makes it very hard for me. I still have the necklace I am going to give her. I bought it the same day Casita fell when we were at the market. I was going to ask her that day, but you know... The miracle and blah blah. I have to ask her to be my girlfriend. 

"I got it!" I hear a voice yell. I look up and see Y/n sitting on someone's shoulders. She has a hammer in hand. A big smile paints her face. The guy holds onto her legs. I glare at him. Touching Y/n. I mean it's not in an inappropriate way, but still. 

"I think that finishes it Miss Y/n," The man holding her says. She nods and he puts her down. That's when I notice what she's wearing. A pair of pants and a makeshift tanktop. There are smudges of dirt on her face. She carries a big grin on her face. She looks so carefree. So happy. I smile at her. She looks at me and skips over happily. 

"Where have you been?" She asks with a playful look. 

"Went on a lunch break with my mom. Ended taking a nap," I tell her.

"A nap?" She asks poking my arm.

"I need my beauty sleep. You think all this comes easy?" I joke. She smiles and rolls her eyes. 

"Whatever," She says, "Whatcha got in there though?" She points at the bag in my hand. I almost forgot about the bag I was holding. I didn't get to eat, and I knew Y/n wouldn't stop for food, so I brought lunch for both of us. 

"Lunch. Have you eaten yet?" I ask. She shakes her head no quickly and dives for food. I quickly dodge her greedy hands. She pouts angrily at me. 

"I'm starving!" She tells me. I laugh at her.

"I can tell. Come on. Let's take a walk," I hold my hand to her. She looks around the construction site then takes my hand. Good. The plan is all in motion. (Insert that one devilish figurine of Camilo) 

We walk to a small stone wall. She climbs on top of it and I jump up and join her. I hand her the bag and she takes out one of the two sandwiches in there. She begins to talk about the progress we've made on Casita. Telling me about how no one could reach the top of the walls and that all the other ladders were in use, so she offered to sit on someone's shoulders to hammer them in place. The way she excitedly talks about everything, every now and then throwing in sarcastic comments now and then is charming. A silence falls between us. This is the moment. I put my hand in my pocket searching for the necklace. 

"Hey, Y/n," I grab the necklace. 

"Hmm?" She hums in response taking a bite of her sandwich. 

"Remember that question-"

"Y/n! Y/n! Hurry!" A child's voice calls out. Are you kidding me? It's that one kid who always drinks coffee. I think his name is like Pablo? Pedro? Pete? Something like that. 

"Huh? What's the matter?" Y/n turns her attention to the boy. She jumps off the cobblestone wall and walks towards the boy. 

"Mirabel! She needs your help! Some of the foundation cracked and frankly, I think Mirabel did too," The little boy yells at her. She rubs the little boy's head and then looks up at me.

"Come on Camilo," She says. I jump off and sigh. I really just got interrupted again. At this rate, I'll never be able to ask her out. 



It's near evening time, and I'm tired as ever. We fixed the foundation with a little bit of cement to fill the cracks and then we finished the walls. They need little reinforcements, but it's looking pretty good. I sit on a desolate hill as I watch the sunset. Its beautiful colors fold over each other. I sigh and lay down. My eyes close and I feel myself relax. I take a deep breath and forget all my problems. The soothing hum of animals and plants around me flows through my body. I feel myself flutter in and out of unconscious. But then I hear footsteps. Worried, heavy footsteps. I open my eyes and see... Abuela? I sit up and turn to her. 

"Abuela? What's the matter?" I ask.  Abuela's face is covered in worried wrinkles. I look at her assuming the worse.

"Y/n, you know I'm trying my best right?" The old lady says. I look at her shocked. I mean I know that she is trying her best. That she really did want to get better, but why ask me?

"Yes," I answer slowly. She sits down next to me. 

"Does Mirabel?" Abuela asks me. I pause for a second. 

"I'm pretty sure she does..." I say. Please don't vent to me woman. I am a 15-year-old girl, not a therapist. I feel bad for her, but I'm mad at her. 

"Are you sure? I've been trying very hard to connect with her and get close to her. She keeps pushing me away. I-I don't know what to do. I know you're her best friend. I was wondering if you can help me? Maybe push her in the right direction," Abuela pleads. I lean away from her. She does think I've been pushing the family towards forgiveness. I keep my anger at bay as I look at the sad old lady in front of me. 

"Listen Abuela, I can't push Mirabel to forgive you. That's just something that has to heal over time. Not everything can't be healed immediately. You can try giving her some space. Treat her normally and not like you want to be her best friend, you know?" I say gently. I'm trying not to be too harsh, but also trying to be truthful.

"I just my family to be one again. Like we were," She sighs. I shake my head. 

"Our family shouldn't go back to the way it was. That was the problem. You have to realize that things aren't going to be the same. It's going to be okay, I promise. Just give it time," I tell her. I feel dread fill my body. I really don't want to help her. She's shunned Mirabel for years and in a few days, she expects everything to be magically fixed. I do acknowledge the fact that her husband was murdered right in front of her and left her with 3 kids and then she had to lead a village of people to safety, but she doesn't have to use that as an excuse to traumatize two generations of kids. A terrible thing did happen to her which she definitely didn't deserve. Contradicting feelings fill me. I don't know if I should be mad at her or sad for her. It's beginning to give me a headache.

(Idk about yall, but do you ever feel for something wrong, but you desperately want to do the right, but it goes against how you truly feel. That's how I can best explain how Y/n is feeling)

"But we still need to help the village. That's how it's been. The Madrigals have always helped the village people. Even without our powers, I want us to help. If we can replenish our family bond, maybe-"

"You don't have to focus on helping the village. Focus on yourself, on your family. See what they want. The village can survive. They're strong. They've come to help you. Trust them and focus on your family and Casita. You can still help the villagers, but let time heal what's broken," I tell her. She pauses lost in thought. She looks back at me. 

"Do you think they will ever forgive me?" She asks. 

"I don't know. People forgive at different times, different speeds," I answer hesitantly.

"Will you forgive me?" She asks me. I hear someone call our names in the distance. I look back at Abuela. She looks old, tired. Sad. I don't know if I should forgive her. One side of me thinks that I should. She's old and she didn't mean to do all this harm. The other side of me doesn't want to. She's hurt the people I care about the most and that's unforgivable. I feel as if I shouldn't be the one holding a grudge, but I do. She told me terrible things, but those are easily forgotten, the things she's done to Mirabel, Luisa, Isabela, and everyone isn't. At the same time, it's not my grudge. It's not my grudge. That's what I keep telling myself. I just don't know. It feels like I don't know anything. Everything is scattered. I need to breathe. I need to be alone. The emotions are overwhelming me.

"I- I... don't know," I respond as I stand up and head towards the person who is calling for us. Abuela stares at me for a moment more, then looks away sadly. It made me feel terrible. Maybe I should've... no, no. I walk away towards Mirabel with a fake smile. 



I pace back and forth in the small room Mariano offered to me. Those mixed emotions fill my brain. It's overwhelming. It's becoming too much. I pause to sit on the small bed. Breathe Y/n, breathe. It's not the end of the world. It's not like anyone cares if you forgive her or not. Right? No, no, no. What if they all forgive her and you're the only one who holds a grudge? Or what if you forgive her and they all hold a grudge? Or what if some of them do and some of them don't and then they look to you for an answer? I massage my head. It's ok. I'm ok. Mirabel has been the only one who has asked you about forgiveness, and that was just her confiding in you. Maybe if you act like this isn't happening, then it will disappear. Great idea. Ignoring your problems. It's not like anyone noticed. I hear a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I ask mustering up my I'm-not-having-a-mental-breakdown voice.

"It's your favorite person," Camilo chimes from the other side of the door.

"Cool!" I respond. Cool?! Cool? Really. You are terrible at hiding your feeling. I mentally throw myself down like a WWE wrestler. I'm seriously so stupid. 

"Can I come in?" Camilo asks in a confused tone.

"Oh! Uh, yea!" I respond nervously. He opens the door while holding a cup of tea. The tea which I assume is the Ms. Ada tea. 

"I brought you some tea. Are you doing alright? You look sick?" He asks as he places down the teacup on a small table. That tea is made to soothe my sore wounds, but I hope it can soothe my racing mind. I walk over to the table and pick up the teacup. I jump on the table and sit on it. 

"I'm fine just... uh tired. Thank you for the tea by the way," He walks towards the table and stands in front of me, just staring at me. I nervously slurp the tea and look away from his gaze. 

"Not maintaining eye contact... no sarcastic comments... nervous drinking... You are not okay," He tells me as he becomes closer to me. I begin to slurp the tea faster as I felt my body become hot with nervousness. I ran out of tea to drink so I slam the cup on the table(without breaking it). I look away from Camilo as he places his hands on the table on either side of me. I begin to blush and along with my nervousness, I feel my temperature rise. 

"Nope! I feel amazing. You know I think I might want another cup of tea. Do you think you can go get me some? I would do it myself I'm just terribly tired-"

"Y/n," He stops me with a small smile of amusement. I nervously smile at him. He gives me a sympathetic smile. He takes my hands and pulls me off the table, then leads me to my bed. We sit down next to each other in silence for a moment. I refuse to look at his eyes, because I know if I do I will give in immediately. I shall never give in. This is war. He doesn't know it, but I do and that's what's important. 

"What's wrong?" He breaks the silence. 

"Nothing! Everything! You know how it is-" I ramble.

"Y/n," He calls my name again and I quickly shut up. I don't shut up because it's stern or demanding, but because it's concerned and caring. He genuinely wants to know, but I feel as if I shouldn't tell him. He squeezes one of my hands and I feel myself losing this metaphorical war. 

"Tell me what's wrong," He tells me gently. I take a deep breath and stay quiet. I am not a loser   (-Roxy, Fnafsb). He rubs his hand across the back of my hand in a sweet manner. Damn it, his battle tactics are strong. I quickly make eye contact then look away. I hear him sigh then stand up. He doesn't walk out of my room. He stands in front of me. He grabs my shoulders and shakes me.

"Talk to me. I am not going to leave until you tell me what's wrong," He tells me.

"I'm tired," I smile awkwardly.

"You really think I'm going to believe that?"

"No," I sigh. 

"Look at me, please," He says. HE SAID PLEASE. How dare he have manners. This is unfair. I slowly look up to meet his eyes. Brown, worried eyes. Beautiful, glistening eyes. Sparkling and shimmering in the dim light of the candles. I have to give in now. It's inevitable. I lost the war. 

"What's the matter?" He says sitting back down. Now I know he's aware that eye contact breaks me. Evil, little boy. 

"I-I well, You see, God how do I explain this," I say quickly. He scoots a bit closer and takes my hand again. He begins to rub it gently. 

"Take your time," He says with an encouraging smile. I nod and take a deep breath. 

"Abuela has been talking to me a lot," I begin, "She's been asking and, well, indicating that she wants me to push you guys to forgive her. I told her that forgiveness takes time," I say quietly. He takes a deep breath. 

"You know you don't have to-"

"I know. I know. It's not just that. It feels like she's been using me to see what you guys think about her. She asked me if any of you guys would ever forgive her. I told her that I didn't know, then she asked me if I forgave her and I just choked up. I told her I don't know. And since that conversation, my head has been all over the place. I just-I just don't know. ," I say nervously. I feel myself become more anxious. 

"It's alright. Take a deep breath. Tell me what you do know," He says. I take a deep breath and nod.

"I know that I won't and can't push you guys to forgiveness. I know that I can't decide whether I myself can forgive her. Anytime I think I come to a decision my other side contradicts that," I tell him. He nods understandingly. 

"Do you forgive Abuela?" I ask him quietly. He pauses and stops rubbing my hand. I feel like I've done something wrong. I look at him worriedly. He takes a deep breath. 

"I am mad for the things she's done to Mirabel and what she said to you, but I think I am beginning to forgive her. That doesn't mean you have to," He assures me and begins to rub my hand again. I nod to him. 

"I want to forgive her, but I don't. I feel bad for her. The whole thing with Abuelo and with Casita falling, but at the same time... she's done so much damage. Not only to me but to everyone. Not to mention, every time she's around she references the family as her family. Not our family. I know that seems like an insignificant detail, and honestly, it is, but when she apologized to me she said that I was part of the family. It's stupid but-"

"It's not stupid. You are part of our family. She's invalidating that. It's okay if you don't know if you want to forgive her. It'll come to you in time. Just like it will come to Mirabel in time. And Isabela and Luisa. It's alright," He tells me I nod. I still feel bad. 

"I don't even know if it's my place to hold a grudge. It's not like she did anything absolutely terrible to me, but I still feel mad at her for what she did to you guys. But I shouldn't," I tell him. He assures me that It's okay. 

"But all this bad stuff happened to her and I just feel... feel. I feel bad. Like she doesn't deserve this, but she does. I just- I just. I don't know how to feel anymore. Maybe I'm a bad person for not wanting to forgive her," I finish. Silence grows between us. He looks at me. I feel the tension grow thick between us. 

"Y/n. You're not a bad person," He whispers to me. I look into his eyes. They enchant me. Like a love spell casted on me that I can't break, and I don't want to break. 

"I wish that were true," I whisper back. He slowly leans towards me. I slowly lean towards him. He cups my face, then hesitates, and pulls away. As he pulls away I don't feel angry or sad. I look into his eyes and they seem guilty. I look at him sympathetically. He gives me a kiss on my forehead then stands up. 

"You should get some sleep Y/n. I'll see you tomorrow," He says then walks out the door leaving me confused. 

Was he going to kiss me?


Am I the drama? I don't think I'm the drama. Lol. I feel like I have so much atm. Was he going to kiss you? What made him hesitate? I don't know. You don't know. The world may never know. Also, I think I might have made a decision. So for the returning of Casita. I, the royal ruler of this fic, have decided that you will not get a power, BUT, but, but, but. Do not fret. You will be getting something else. So say tuned😈
